Thursday 23 April 2009

The Internet is bad!


Even though this might make me sound like a bit of a hypocrite as I am using the internet to create this blog, I hate the internet. I think that it has a bad influence over people’s lives, and that too many people rely on it to help them with their everyday lives, which in my opinion is just laziness! If I wasn’t required to use the internet to do work on then I wouldn’t use it at all.
The person who created the following website obviously shares the same opinions on the internet as I do:

1 comment:

  1. I too, believe that the Internet can be a bad thing, which probably makes me a hypocrite too, since I spend a lot of time on my computer. But I think that the Internet has caused a lot of problems. Isn't that how paedophiles find their victims half the time? Through the Internet? And look how the internet has spread child pornography and pornography in general. It's also making us lazy. E-mail means that most of us dont even know how to write a letter anymore. It will become lost. Then there's the text speak. Are we so lazy that we cannot even type out the full word? Will the English language be lost because of text speak? Instant messaging servies mean that we dont even have to speak to people. Will we lose our ability to socialise? It could happen. The internet can be a good thing, but too much of anything can be a bad thing.
