Wednesday 15 April 2009



What is it that makes a person cheat on their partner? As I have never cheated on anyone and never would I find it hard to understand why a person would cheat on anyone. Although I don’t think that there is ever an acceptable excuse for cheating on a person, I suppose for some people there are some circumstances where it would be acceptable if they did cheat! For example, if a person were in a violent or unhappy relationship then it would make sense that they would want to go out and find someone who would be nice to them. Whereas, if a person were to continually go out and commit adultery just for the sake of it, I would say that their behaviour is wrong and totally unacceptable.

People are always coming up with excuses for why they cheat, they were drunk, they didn’t think they’d get caught, etc., (some people even claim it is in their genes to commit adultery). I think whether a person is in a good or a bad relationship if they are not capable of being faithful to the person who they are with, and then they shouldn’t be in a relationship at all!

To take the test to see if you would ever be an adulterer, click on the following link:

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