Friday 10 April 2009

To what extent does music affect our mood?


Are certain types of music responsible for the way that we behave? I do think that to a certain extent, yes, music can have some sort of influence on our behaviour. The type of music that a person chooses to listen to can say a lot about their personality, the way they like to dress, the way they have their hair, the people they like to socialize with etc. Some songs whether they are happy or sad can have personal meanings to people so I think it is true that music can affect the way we behave, to a certain extent.

I do disagree however that particular genres of music should be blamed for peoples actions, for example, if a fan of Country music had listened to a song by a Girls Aloud and then a few hours later committed suicide, I doubt that many people would make a connection between the music that the person had listened to and the person committing suicide. Whereas if the person had listened to Marilyn Manson or MCR instead of Girls Aloud and the committed suicide, people would be far more likely to blame the type of music that the person had listened to before they committed suicide.

The following Website contains more information on how music is believed by some to affect a person’s mood!

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